Sunday, January 3, 2016

Welcome to the New Year

So in starting this new year I've been reflecting back this past one.  And it was a hell of a good one.  I got out of a seriously unhealthy relationship.  I moved out of state and started mostly fresh.  Which was terrifying but it has worked out reasonably well.  I live in the nicest place I have ever lived (that is not my parents house anyway) and have one of the best roommates I have ever had.  My job... well its' still my job but it  hasn't been terrible and it pays well enough to survive out here.  And the icing on the cake, I met one of the most amazing people, and although I don't know exactly where that is heading I am truly grateful for the time spent and memories had thus far.  And I can't wait to see where that goes with this year.  So it is official 2015 was one of my best years to date.  Here is to hoping 2016 is at least half at good.  And if your 2015 wasn't very good, well my 2014 was awful, so it can get better.