Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Holiday rant

So let's start this off by clearing this up before I begin.  I do not hate Valentines Day, but I do have some issues with it.  Now it's origin and traditional celebration is actually not problematic for me.  Although the bit about giving children valentines to ward off getting epilepsy seems unlikely to be effective, but remains hilarious to me.  And in regards to this I think I'm going to give random children valentines that clearly state this in the future.  Not sure of the legal ramifications for this, but I'm sure I will learn that soon enough.

Back on topic, my issue with Valentines is that its current custom is just expected vapid consumerism.   Which is interesting that the holiday happens to fall in the economic lull that follows the holiday season and precedes the increased spending on travel and vacations that tend to occur in the spring and summer.   So basically it is a well timed holiday that in the last 100 years has grown and changed significantly.  A holiday celebrating a Christian saint is now popular in many places around the world including many non-Christian regions.  And the average amount spent each year has been increasing, from 2010 to 2013 the amount spent for the holiday increased 23 dollars, up to 131 dollars in America.  And it is not as if I can sit here and chastise anyone for spending money for Valentines.  I have spent a good deal on the holiday in the past and a bit this year already.  But I still think it's bullshit that a holiday that is supposed to be about showing love and admiration for those in your life has become about buying said love and affection.  And yes those two things don't have to necessarily be related, but often there is some expectation that in this connotation that they do.  If someone were in a relationship and chose not to buy any gifts or flowers for their partner for the holiday, and this was not a previously spoken about ordeal, the partner would likely be disappointed or question the relationship.  The fact that the partner would be disappointed shows that the expectation for purchased good is entwined in the holiday.

Now of course this does not mean we need to spend a lot or follow the spending trends that are occurring.  But once again there are some societal pressures to do so.  How many stores this time of year dedicate at least one entire aisle to Valentines gifts or candy?  How much advertisement do we see around this time for "unique" or "personalized" gifts you can order right from your smart phone?  And all for a reasonable price with this discount if you order now.  And most of us at one point or another will fall for this trap.  And that is okay from time to time.  But overall this is not what I think should be the focus of Valentines.  As I said at the beginning I don't hate Valentines.  I just think it should be a hell of a lot simpler.  We shouldn't have to spend a ton of money to show our love.  We also shouldn't wait for one day a year to do so.  If I am in a relationship I try to show my love and affection throughout the year with small tokens or gestures to show how I feel and how much I appreciate them.  I may be making some broad assumptions here, but I am fairly certain most people would prefer being shown that they are appreciated more often than once or twice a year.  So fuck participating in Valentines for the sake of participating in Valentines.  Be good to your partner throughout the year, give small gifts and notes.  Don't wait for a holiday centered on consumerism to tell you  to be good to your partner.  Stop buying bullshit and get creative.  Make something, write something, create something that actually shows you give a fuck, not that you can afford things.

Happy Valentines day or whatever.... Dicks....

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